Watch the study video at: Restricting the amount of inshore potting for crab and lobster within marine protected areas (MPAs) can generate a “win-win” for both fishermen and the marine environment, according to the first major study exploring the issue. The study showed that crab caught in areas of low potting levels were of greater average […]

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Plymouth University: Biodegradable plastic bags are still capable of carrying full loads of shopping after being exposed in the natural environment for three years, a new study shows. Researchers from the University of Plymouth examined the degradation of five plastic bag materials widely available from high street retailers in the UK. They were then left […]

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Just published in Marine Policy, a paper making the case for how marine parks can enhance coastal cities. The idea is not to further regulate or conserve the marine environment but to recognize an ocean and coastal space for its special importance for city community health, well-being, and heritage. The aim of a ‘City Marine […]

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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are an important tool for the maintenance of marine ecosystem functionality and health and ensuring the onward flow of beneficial ecosystem services that support human well-being. Social and economic factors influence whether and how stakeholders exploit resources or cooperate to conserve them. Environmental managers are now turning from designating MPAs to […]

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