The Marine Management Organisation (MMO), in collaboration with other UK governmental bodies, is responsible for managing marine non-licensable activities (mNLA) to further the conservation objectives of England’s inshore marine protected areas within 0-12 nautical miles (nm). mNLA activities encompass a range of recreational pursuits, from sailing and motorboating to diving and snorkelling. This excludes fishing […]

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English fishers impacted by the recent closure of the UK pollack fisheries will now be eligible for fast tracked financial grants through the re-opened £6m Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS). Following EU fishery negotiations, the UK government set the pollack Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for 2024 to zero following concerns about the population stocks, permitting […]

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A Marine Management Organisation (MMO) byelaw to protect valuable marine habitats and species in 13 English offshore marine protected areas (MPAs) will come into force on 22 March 2024. Following formal consultation in 2023 and an official announcement on 31 January 2024 as part of Government’s 1 year on Environmental Improvement Plan progress update, management measures […]

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Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has confirmed that more than 80% of under-12m inshore vessels participated in the I-VMS roll-out programme last year, resulting in £1.3m of European funding being awarded to fishers. New legislation, a statutory instrument (SI), is expected to come into force in April 2024 and will require all under-12m vessels fishing for […]

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The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has confirmed there has been a very high-level of compliance with new byelaws introduced last year. On 13 June 2022, the MMO introduced new byelaws to protect four offshore marine protected areas (MPAs) from damaging fishing activity.   Photo: Subtidal coarse sediment ©Crown Copyright   England’s MPAs  There are currently […]

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The Marine Management Organisation (MMO), the UK Government’s marine regulator for England, have now published their Studland Bay Voluntary No Anchor Zone: 2022 Review of the effectiveness of the voluntary no anchor zone (VNAZ)  after the first year of it being in place. A Summary of the 2022 review is also available. The MMO has concluded that the voluntary […]

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