A new report from the Royal Academy of Engineering (National Engineering Policy Centre) looks at the priorities for mitigating health risks from wastewater pollution. This report examines the interventions available to reduce the public health risks associated with using open waters for recreation that may be polluted with faecal organisms from human waste in sewage. […]

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The government has (13 March 2024) responded to the Commission’s study on reducing the risks of surface water flooding, published in November 2022. While it accepts the principles behind a number of the Commission’s recommendations, the government’s response – in the Commission’s view – makes few new commitments on steps to manage surface water flood risk more actively, […]

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The government has announced that 19 councils are set to be granted exceptional financial support for the next financial year. In principle support for these councils for 2024-25 is worth around £1.5bn, enabling them to use capital receipts from asset sales or borrowing to fund day-to-day costs up to that amount. Further in principle support for […]

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The BBC reports on concerns raised by residents over new road flood prevention measures in Mansfield. This shows the challenges in rolling out more than 20,000 SuDS to be installed across the town, which would reduce flood risk for 90,000 people. Key concerns relate to access and loss of car parking. Read more

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The latest edition of Landscape, the journal of the Landscape Institute includes a SuDS special feature, SuDS regulation across the UK, NFM and loads of case studies. More details: This edition starts with the landscape of the Natural History Museum and the revolution in SuDS. It revisits the esplanade at Dover; indulges in the joys […]

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The Welsh Government has published a Schedule 3 Post Implementation Review for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, which requires SuDS on most new development, was commenced in Wales in 2019. (It is yet to be commenced in England). The review is grouped into four categories: Governance […]

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