RWE and Masdar have reached a significant milestone for the Dogger Bank South (DBS) Offshore Wind Farms, with their Development Consent Order (DCO) application accepted into the UK Planning Inspectorate’s examination phase. The DBS East and DBS West wind farms, located over 100km off the northeast coast of England, have the potential to provide electricity […]

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The world’s biggest floating wind farm has been given the go-ahead off the Aberdeen coast. The £3 billion floating offshore wind project from developers Flotation Energy and Vårgrønn has been granted offshore planning approval. The project titled Green Volt, has now received all its planning approvals and remains on track to be the first commercial-scale […]

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Pennon Group, owners of South West Water and Bristol Water, have announced the £85 million acquisition of three new (unbuilt) renewable energy generation projects, as part of their commitment to long-term sustainable growth in the UK’s environmental infrastructure. According to Pennon, “this significant milestone propels Pennon closer to achieving their ambitious 2030 Net Zero commitment […]

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MMO grants marine licence to marine development project following collaboration and joint working. MMO ‘Last month the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) granted a marine licence to Associated British Ports (ABP) for the development of the Lowestoft Eastern Energy Facility (LEEF). This followed a period of collaboration and joint working, beginning in November 2020, when ABP […]

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This document is a 44 page summary of an extended report produced for ORE Catapult by Atkins and ABPmer.  The broad objective of the study was the consideration, through detailed review, of the development and consenting processes around the UK for the commercial development of floating offshore wind farms (FOW). This included identifying risks and […]

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From Hansard and the Fisheries APPG newsletter. This response by Lord Goldsmith to questions in the Lords about offshore wind illustrates that the Government are thinking: The noble Baroness asked a number of specific questions. The first was again in relation to the tension between inshore fisheries and offshore wind farms. Defra is working closely […]

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Guardian ‘Floating wind turbines could open up vast ocean tracts for renewable power’ This floating wind technology could help power a clean energy transition if it can overcome hurdles of cost, design and opposition from fishing. In the stormy waters of the North Sea, 15 miles off the coast of Aberdeenshire, in Scotland, five floating […]

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Following the industry agreement (through Water UK) to achieve net zero emissions from English water companies by 2030, several water companies have set out plans to get there. The plans highlight progress on energy efficiency, renewable generation, demand management, sequestration schemes and more, but also rely heavily on purchasing renewables and offsetting. Read the plans […]

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