21 Dec 2021

Paper Summary: Dave K A Barnes & others:  ‘Solving biodiversity loss and climate change are part of the same problem; intact natural habitats can provide powerful and efficient climate mitigation if protected. Beyond the land (forests), there is little appreciation of just how important ocean nature is to climate mitigation. Carbon captured, stored and the […]

18 Nov 2021

Infographic – Powerpoint slides – a resource to explain working with natural processes to reduce flood and coastal erosion risk Environment Agency ‘What is it? Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) to reduce flood and coastal erosion risk (FCRM) involves implementing measures that help to protect, restore and emulate the natural functions of catchments, floodplains, rivers […]

03 Nov 2021

Defra: Natural Flood Management Programme: initial findings This report explains the benefits of the Natural Flood Management Programme and celebrates its successes. Natural flood management uses nature-based solutions to manage the risk of flooding and coastal erosion.  The Natural Flood Management Programme had 60 pilot projects across England. It received £15 million of funding from […]

17 Aug 2021

Guidance from Defra and the outcomes of a major review from Eftec of natural capital accounting. Defra ‘Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA) guidance is a comprehensive document providing information and resources for Natural Capital. ENCA guidance is a comprehensive document providing information and resources for Natural Capital. It covers: the natural capital framework economic […]

17 Aug 2021

The £2.1million government-funded Weardale Natural Flood Management scheme, which includes a series of nature based solutions such as storage areas, wooden leaky barriers and timber fences, could reduce flood risk across 41km2 to communities including Lanehead, Wearhead, Westgate and Stanhope. It’s also seen 150 hectares of peatland restored, will aim to create up to 75 […]

22 Jun 2021

Natural England says nature recovery must be central to offshore wind plans Natural England publishes new approach to offshore wind development. Natural England has called for new offshore wind farms to leave nature in a better state than before and avoid any irreparable damage to the environment, in a new document published today (16th June) […]

08 Jun 2021

Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: to support place-based planning and decision-making – NERR092 (naturalengland.org.uk) This report and associated publications is about how to come to shared strategic understanding about the natural environment, in a place, using a natural capital evidence base. It is about working collaboratively and in partnership so that we can do more to […]