Thames Water has opened its consultation on plans for SESRO (South East Strategic Reservoir Option) – a major new strategic reservoir in Oxfordshire. The proposals have been developed in conjunction with Southern Water and Affinity Water, as the reservoir is designed to secure future water supplies for all three company’s customers, a projected 15 million […]

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Ofwat has published a second consultation until on its plan for a new £100mn Water Efficiency Fund, to be launched in 2025. £75m is earmarked for a major campaign across England and Wales to promote awareness of the need to save water and water efficient behaviours. Annual competitions will be run for a share of the remaining […]

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The Scottish Government is now consulting on legislative proposals which would enable Scottish Ministers to introduce a registration process for marine nature restoration projects, and apply Marine Conservation Orders to habitats and species undergoing restoration and standalone European marine sites. The feedback provided in the consultation will help to decide whether the legislative proposals will […]

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The Environment Agency (EA) consultation on charge proposals for water quality permits closed this week. the proposals would see charges increase significantly, especially for water companies. The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators (WCWC) has published its considered response. The WCWC welcomes the increase of resources for the Environment Agency to inspect sewage effluents and suggests […]

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The Government is consulting on the largest ever rollout of new bathing water sites. The short consultation closes on 10 March. Subject to the consultation, the Environment Agency will create 27 new designated swimming spots across England. If designated, sites will receive regular water monitoring from the Environment Agency, who will investigate pollution sources and […]

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Business for Nature are drafting recommendations for policies, legislation and regulations that put nature at the heart of the global economy. Business for Nature want to hear the views of the business community and a consultation on these recommendations is open until 1 March 2024.

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CCW, the consumer body for water, has launched a consultation on its Strategy and Forward Work Programme, which sets out plans for what the organisation wants to achieve in 2024–25. The three areas are A trusted water sector Value for customers Transparency of performance Customer-focused culture Improved customer service Getting basics right for business customers Fair and […]

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