Steve Hull   ‘The Productive Seas Evidence Group (PSEG – one of the four evidence groups reporting to the Marine Science Coordination Committee) has published a report exploring current requirements and guidance on socio-economic assessment for marine development projects. It highlights that while UK marine policy increasingly demands that regulators integrate environmental, social and economic factors when taking decisions, there is very little guidance on how this should be done or what information developers should be providing. The report signposts existing guidance and makes clear recommendations to the devolved administrations and regulatory bodies on actions to improve current guidance. Based on the recommendations PSEG has developed a proposed approach for taking forward the recommendations.

The report is relevant to anyone with an interest in the sustainable development of the UK’s marine environment.

This is part of a growing problem with the role of ‘Guidance’ across Government and was recently highlighted in Seabed User and Developer Group Newsletter: Click here to read the lead article:

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