18 Jun 2018

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are an important tool for the maintenance of marine ecosystem functionality and health and ensuring the onward flow of beneficial ecosystem services that support human well-being. Social and economic factors influence whether and how stakeholders exploit resources or cooperate to conserve them. Environmental managers are now turning from designating MPAs to […]

22 Feb 2017

Globally the trend is towards fewer, larger fishing boats, and a concentration of fishing rights in fewer hands, making it hard for smaller fishing operations to compete. There are often trade-offs between the social, environmental and economic value of fishing. A new fresh approach to fishing is needed, so that the industry brings the biggest […]

23 Nov 2015

HFF publish Social and Economic Benefits of Marine and Maritime Cultural Heritage by Dr Antony Firth 2015 The importance of our heritage and its relevance both to our society and to our economy is becoming increasingly recognised. Whether in our towns and cities or in rural landscapes, the character of places draws upon the past, […]

01 May 2015

WWF – US   The value of the ocean’s riches rivals the size of the world’s leading economies, but its resources are rapidly eroding, according to a report released by WWF today. The report, Reviving the Ocean Economy: The case for action – 2015, analyses the ocean’s role as an economic powerhouse and outlines the threats […]

24 Mar 2015

Quantifying the benefits of flood risk management actions and advice Quantifying the benefits of flood risk management actions and advice: report The Environment Agency aims to deliver Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCRM) as efficiently as possible. Large capital flood defence schemes are not always financially viable, appropriate or a sustainable solution to manage flood […]

16 Mar 2015

Griffin Carpenter – New Economics Foundation  We’re not good at managing our natural resources. Our analysis shows overfishing in EU waters has cost us EUR7.1 billion in the last 5 years alone. <http://www.neweconomics.org/page/m/2edb5032/7ebe2631/6e1d4dc2/5d2508e/60041902/VEsH/> We need to change this. And that’s where my new model comes in. The Bio-Economic Model of European Fleets (BEMEF for short) […]