29 Sep 2019

The UK has announced a new global alliance to help drive urgent action to safeguard the world’s ocean and protect its precious wildlife. The Global Ocean Alliance will push for the trebling of existing globally-agreed targets so at least a third of the ocean is safeguarded in Marine Protected Areas over the next decade. It […]

22 Oct 2018

In a recent interview Daniel Pauly called for a total ban on open-ocean fishing. He argues that such a step is essential for rebuilding badly depleted global fishing stocks and preventing the demise of the fishing industry itself. “People assume that with 59% of the ocean closed, you will have no place left to fish. […]

20 Mar 2017

Sian Rees and eight of her colleagues have produced this evaluation framework This research evaluates the social and economic impact of the management measures that form the Lyme Bay Reserve and the partnership activities of the Lyme Bay Consultative Committee (LBCC) on Lyme Bay resource users. For the purpose of this evaluation it is the […]

29 Nov 2016

Evidence and Management for Marine Recreational Activities – Call for Information Do you have information on the impact (or lack of impact) of recreational activities on the marine environment? Do you have information on the effectiveness of management measures to reduce the impact of recreational activities on the marine environment? If so, we would like […]

18 Sep 2015

Conservation needs places where nature is left wild; but only a quarter of coastal countries have no-take Marine Reserves. ‘Marine Protected Areas’ (MPAs) have been used to indicate conservation progress but we found that 94% allow fishing and thus cannot protect all aspects of biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation should focus on Marine Reserves, not MPAs.  Highlights […]

30 Jul 2015

Details of how fisheries are managed in marine protected areas. MMO: To bring fisheries in line with other activities, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) announced on the 14 August 2012 a revised approach to managing fishing activities within European marine sites (EMS). This change in approach will promote sustainable fisheries while […]