09 Feb 2021

The task for this independent group of experts, was to set out next steps for a coherent, representative, connected and resilient network of MPAs for Ireland. Thinking not just about biodiversity loss but also how the MPA network could contribute to wider ecosystem-based management with other objectives including sustainable fisheries management, resilience to climate change […]

02 Feb 2021

Following a period of consultation the MMO has published draft assessments and management measures for four offshore MPAs; the Dogger Bank SAC, Inner Dowsing SAC, South Dorset MCZ and The Canyons MCZ. The proposed bylaws include prohibiting the use of bottom towed fishing gear, including demersal seines and semi-pelagic towed gear through the whole of […]

02 Feb 2021

Despite much attention given to documenting spillover from MPAs, relatively few studies have attempted to quantify the extent to which increases in the density and size structure of animals along the borders of MPAs influences fishing behaviour, total landings, and revenue. This recently published paper in Nature reports the result from a study which tested […]

03 Nov 2020

The leaked report is called a “Scottish Overall Assessment 2020” and examines the state of six vital habitats in 11 marine regions around Scotland. It is a draft dated October 2019 compiled by scientists from the government’s NatureScot, formerly Scottish Natural Heritage, and Marine Scotland. The report’s main conclusion is that the marine habitats in […]

14 Sep 2020

Latest Greenpeace UK report Bright Blue Seas examines progress with UK offshore MPAs To assess the condition of the UK’s offshore MPA network, Greenpeace UK collated assessments of each offshore MPA’s progress towards conservation targets as listed on the JNCC MPA listings, which hold the most up to date public information on each MPA. Out […]

01 Sep 2020

For the purposes of the day, BLUE defined rewilding the sea as any effort to improve the health of the ocean by actively restoring habitats and species, or by leaving it alone to recover. One of the discussion points of the conference was that rewilding in the oceans might involve “re-framing ambitions” with rewilding projects […]

18 Aug 2020

A Greenpeace investigation has reported that supertrawlers have doubled the time they spend fishing in UK MPAs in the first 6 months of 2020 compared to the whole of 2019. Click here. Last year these vessels, including the four largest supertrawlers in the world, spent 2,963 hours, the equivalent of 123 days fishing in UK […]