09 Nov 2019

From Bill Turrell – Aberdeen    Advance Article – Marine Science and the Climate Emergency A paper that has been published on-line by the ICES Journal of Marine Science analyses how marine science can respond to the climate emergency: https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icesjms/fsz164/5569821 Abstract Inspired by the growing cries from young climate crisis activists, and noting that net-zero emission […]

30 Jul 2019

Deep-sea mining ‘precautionary pause’ and closure of one-third of the ocean among eight urgent measures needed in the next decade to preserve life-supporting ocean function Ocean heating 40% faster than even recently predicted – ratchet effects of some changes could be ‘irreversible’ London – 24th July 2019 – A new scientific Paper says eight urgent, […]

25 Jun 2019

Can we meaningfully apply the Natural Capital approach in the marine environment? The answer? We can but need new approaches – compared to terrestrial, marine is more dynamic, more interconnected, has greater species movement, plus the depth dimension and data paucity. Key points: Natural capital methods have not been fully tested in the marine context. […]

18 May 2019

Bob Earll ‘The NCC have been remarkably silent on marine issues in their 7 year existence. It looks like one new NCC member – Mel Austen – has changed this. That’s progress. This report comes close on the heels of a host of other reports*. It makes one wonder quite what the role of NCC […]

29 Oct 2018

From Martin Attrill The Case for Marine Parks – Blue Marine Foundation September 13, 2018 by Martin Attrill and Charles Clover The United Kingdom has 17,820 kilometres of coastline but no marine parks. Marine parks are an idea that could help the British public to engage with and to better understand and enjoy its diverse […]

20 Aug 2018

A really useful report on how marine conservation is developing from a German and European perspective ‘Dear Colleagues and friends of Marine Conservation,  With this email I would like to inform you that the English Version of the publication of my agency with the title: “Challenges of Marine Nature Conservation – BfN Directorate II 5 […]

11 May 2015

Sign up for the The Marine Climate Change Impact Partnership (MCCIP) newsletter by visiting their site: http://www.mccip.org.uk/ Global warming more moderate than most worst-case models, empirical data suggest A study based on 1,000 years of temperature records suggests global warming is not progressing as fast as it would under the most severe emissions scenarios outlined […]