27 Jul 2021

Chief Medical Officer’s annual report 2021: health in coastal communities Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty’s second annual report presents an analysis of the health and wellbeing of England’s coastal communities. Given the known high rates of preventable illness in these areas, the lack of available data on the health of coastal communities has been […]

06 Jul 2021

Future of seaside towns: updated government response to the select committee report The updated response to the House of Lords Select Committee on the future of seaside towns at the request of the Chair of the Liaison Committee.  This is the updated government response to the House of Lords Select Committee report on regenerating seaside towns […]

18 May 2021

Environment Agency  Published  12 May 2021 ‘National flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for England action plan of the National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England. The Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy for England committed the Environment Agency to publish an action plan.  The action plan sets out the progress […]

20 Apr 2021

About 300 metres of cliff just west of Weymouth collapsed sending an estimated 4,000 tonnes of rock, some in massive chunks “the size of cars”, falling towards the beach below. Southern England has seen a lot of rock and cliff falls during the winter.  In February, the chalk cliffs that border much of Kent and Sussex […]

30 Mar 2021

Flood and coastal resilience innovation programme The programme will allocate £150 million of the £200 million to 25 local areas which have now been identified. For some, a local area might be a county, city, town or village. For others, a place could mean a river catchment, a tidal estuary or part of the coast. […]

20 Oct 2020

At the ‘Flood and Coast– Creating climate resilient places’  online conference recently hosted by CIWEM, Minister Pow made references to the: Need for a more integrated and adaptive, place based approach to deliver multiple benefits Government’s £200m fund to drive innovation at a local level Environment Agency’s Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Strategy as the […]