Consumer Scotland has published a piece of in-depth research exploring consumer views on how the water sector adapts to climate change. Key themes from the public dialogue included a growing alarm at the scale of the challenge and a desire for individual behavioural change to be supported by wider, systemic action by the Scottish Government, […]

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A report titled ‘Fisheries policies adaptation and resilience to climate change and ocean acidification’ was published from the ClimateXChange Secretariat earlier this May. The research authored by BMT through ClimateXChange aimed at informing Scotland’s fisheries policies, specifically focusing on driving adaptation and resilience to climate change and ocean acidification. The research prioritised the development of […]

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A global maritime court has determined that greenhouse gases constitute marine pollution.  The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) said emissions from fossil fuels that are absorbed by the oceans count as marine pollution. What is the ITLOS advisory opinion and what did it say? Client Earth explained the background to the […]

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The UK’s saltmarshes are under threat from climate change, coastal erosion, and sea-level rise, according to a new study led by the University of St Andrews and the University of York. Carbon Accumulation Occupying more than 450km² of the UK coastline, saltmarshes capture and store large quantities of carbon, which makes them one of the […]

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The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) is undertaking an inquiry into the interaction of climate change and security issues and the UK Government’s approach to anticipating, preventing, and responding to the security threats posed by climate change. Last week, the EAC heard evidence exploring the link between climate change and security in the first evidence session […]

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The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has published its proposed methodology for the Fourth Climate Change Risk Assessment – Independent Assessment (CCRA4-IA). This independent assessment will be delivered in 2026 and will provide an updated assessment of the risks and opportunities from climate change and the potential for adaptation to address them. This will be published alongside […]

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