Consumer Scotland has published a piece of in-depth research exploring consumer views on how the water sector adapts to climate change. Key themes from the public dialogue included a growing alarm at the scale of the challenge and a desire for individual behavioural change to be supported by wider, systemic action by the Scottish Government, Scottish Water, businesses and industry.
Recommendations include
- The Scottish Government should work with Scottish Water and the wider sector on national strategies to improve future water resources management and water efficiency.
- The Scottish Government should take a lead role, with support from Scottish Water, SEPA, and local authorities, to develop legislation to promote environmental solutions that help alleviate flooding, including incentives to ensure the uptake of sustainable drainage solutions in new housing projects.
- There should be targeted water sector information campaigns reinforcing the importance of consumers using water resources sustainably and taking responsibility for reducing strain on the sewerage system.
- Any new legislation should avoid detriment to low income consumers and those in vulnerable circumstances.
The full research report and policy briefings are available on Consumer Scotland’s website, and you can read the full report here