Scenario analysis explores the options & trade-offs of different options 

‘Introduction  The Celtic Seas are under significant pressure from human activities. There has been progress in tackling some pressures such as point source pollution, but declines in some elements of biodiversity continue, linked to both human activity pressures and climate change. There are a number of significant drivers of change which will affect the Celtic Seas region over the next 20 years, some of which are likely to lead to increased levels of economic activity, increasing the demand for space and resources, potentially increasing conflict between marine users and the natural environment. Recognising these challenges, the Celtic Seas Partnership commissioned ABPmer and ICF International to carry out a ground-breaking study exploring future growth scenarios in the Celtic Seas and the resulting economic, social and environmental impacts. Stakeholder engagement has been a key element of the project to inform and shape the scenarios and in seeking to discuss a shared future vision for the Celtic Seas.’

Click here to see the alternative scenarios and reports produced by the Celtic Seas Partnership

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