Thanks to: Nathan Richardson & Fiona Bowles

Nathan Richardson, Senior Water Policy Officer RSPB: “In headline terms the National Environment Programme (WINEP3) looks like a strong programme. We are pleased to see continued investment by the water sector to meet WFD 2027 getting to good status deadline alongside action to avoid deterioration in status. Indeed, we would like to see this effort matched by other sectors impacting the water environment such as agriculture! It is also positive to see non-regulatory biodiversity schemes included along with action on invasive species. An Environment Agency briefing gives more information.  A PDF briefing for CaBA

The National Environment Programme (WINEP3) has been issued to water companies by the Environment Agency, although not available on a website. It will be published when OFWAT make their final determinations in 2019. It sets out what the regulators (EA and NE) expect the companies to include in their AMP7 investment plans to meet environmental obligations (largely regulatory obligations). Headlines include:

    • Approximate size of programme is £4.9bn so bigger than AMP6 but similar to some early AMP cycle spends
    • At least 6000 km of our waters (and possibly up to 9000km) protected and improved
    • 24 Bathing Waters and 10 Shellfish Waters protected and improved
    • Nearly 200 measures to protect nature conservation protected sites
    • A further 150 measures will deliver improvements directly for fisheries and wider biodiversity outcomes.
    • All water companies with significant assets will have measures to control the spread of Invasive Non Native Species.

About 40% of spend on meeting WFD drivers, 40% on UWWTD drivers, 10% on other drivers (including biodiversity). Anglian and Severn Trent have the largest number of measures.”

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