18 May 2021

Link to all past MMO Marine planning newsletters Marine Planning newsletter Spring 2021 – 10th May In this issue of the marine planning newsletter you will find: Progress towards adoption of the North East, North West, South East, South West Marine plans Baseline monitoring surveys for the North East, North West, South East and South […]

30 Mar 2021

Scallops exceeding the carrying capacity of coastal seas. In 1978 I ran a conference where R F Ventilla spoke on scallop culture in Japan. He had witnessed scallop aquaculture in the coastal zone at a highly intense level and reported scallops dominating every part of the pelagic and benthic ecosystem. Their growth rates had massively […]

15 Mar 2021

James Murray Editor Business Green Blog ‘Last week delivered yet another impressive milestone for the world-leading UK offshore wind industry, but for the rest of the green economy it is a reminder of what might have been. Last Thursday was a pretty stellar day for the British wind industry. There was £95m for two massive port […]

09 Mar 2021

Blue Marine Foundation   The UK has the largest installed capacity of offshore wind in the world. With a government commitment to further expand, opportunities for co-location with conservation and restoration initiatives are being increasingly explored. Globally, over 85% of oyster beds have been lost, making them among the most imperilled marine habitats in the world. […]

02 Mar 2021

The Dutch have not allowed trawling within the footprint of their offshore wind farms. The Rich North Sea: Looking for a Sustainable Blueprint Ocean News February 3, ‘A new covenant called ‘The Rich North Sea’ (De Rijke Noordzee) brings together several companies working to connect two of the major challenges of our time: ensuring sustainable energy […]

23 Feb 2021

Guardian: Queen’s property manager banks huge windfarm bonanza The Treasury are in line for a multibillion-pound bonanza from renewable energy, after a major auction of seabed plots for windfarms off the coasts of England and Wales attracted runaway bids. The Crown Estate, which manages the monarch’s property portfolio, holds exclusive rights to lease the seabed […]

09 Jan 2021

RSPB warns of harm from new wind farm – about Hornsea Project Three Offshore Wind Farm given development consent By Roger Harrabin  BBC environment analyst The giant Hornsea Three development lies 75 miles away from Flamborough Head, England’s biggest sea bird colony on the Yorkshire coast. The RSPB says kittiwakes will need to fly through the area, […]