Defra and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have released reports which review progress made in meeting the aims of the East Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans and the UK Marine Policy Statement. The East Marine Plans’ inshore area has a coastline that stretches from Flamborough Head in Yorkshire to Felixstowe town in Suffolk. The offshore area covers from […]

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Fishers on the 440 under-10m vessels subject to an annual quota cap will not face the limitation for the remainder of 2023 following a decision by Defra and Marine Management Organisation (MMO). These vessels will now be able to fish up to the monthly limits in the same way as all other under-10m vessels that […]

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The latest stage of proposed measures to protect further valuable marine habitats and manage harmful fishing activity in England’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are unveiled today (17 January 2023) by Defra and the MMO. The news follows the announcement from the UK Government on 13 April 2022 regarding a ban on bottom trawling from four […]

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The Annual Report and Accounts provides detail on the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), including purpose, the key risks faced in achieving objectives, and how they have performed during 2021/22. Commenting on the report and performance during 2021/222, Tom McCormack, MMO’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “MMO has supported our customers and stakeholders with the delivery of […]

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A review of Studland Bay’s voluntary no anchor zone (VNAZ) is being conducted by Marine Management Organisation (MMO). The VNAZ was introduced in 2021 to protect the seagrass beds, and the animals it is home to, from damage from the dropping and weighing of anchors. This review will reflect on the first year of the […]

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The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has published a new report that sets out their view on how some of Defra’s agencies can and should work in order to recover nature in England.     A blog written by Jess Chappell – RSPB  England Senior Policy Officer – introduces the report and […]

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The Championing Coastal Coordination (3Cs) initiative is a programme of work that is being led by the Environment Agency with support from Natural England, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and the Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs).     It is a collaboration seeking to enhance and progress coordination for coastal sustainability and resilience […]

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