The Annual Report and Accounts provides detail on the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), including purpose, the key risks faced in achieving objectives, and how they have performed during 2021/22.
Commenting on the report and performance during 2021/222, Tom McCormack, MMO’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “MMO has supported our customers and stakeholders with the delivery of our six marine services, as we develop further as a customer-centric, outward-facing regulator that’s ambitious for our seas and coast.”
Achievements include:
- For the first time ever, we’ve developed and implemented a full set of marine plans – a major step forward in enabling sustainable marine development.
- We continue to focus on delivering sustainable fishing opportunities, including supporting the development and delivery of Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) and leading on the preparation of the ‘front runner’ FMPs.
- We are protecting marine habitats and wildlife through new measures and increased action. MMO took on new regulatory powers in the Fisheries Act 2020 to help manage fishing in English offshore waters for the conservation of marine flora, fauna, and habitats.
- Administering marine support funds to deliver financial support and investment to help the long-term sustainability, resilience, and prosperity of the seafood sector.
- As the independent marine regulator for England’s seas, we continue to deliver professional regulatory marine services for our customers and stakeholders. Through 2021/22 we increased MMO’s capacity and capability in our regulatory support and assurance services at sea and in ports.
- Supporting global marine protection continues to be a core part of MMO’s service delivery. We play a leading role in supporting ocean protection and management as part of the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme. As an expert delivery partner, MMO supports the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) in the protection and sustainable management of their marine environments. In 2021/22 the Turks and Caicos Island Government joined the Blue Belt Programme and two new exciting sub-programmes, Blue Belt Ocean Shield, and the Global Ocean Wildlife Analysis Network, were also launched to further support Territories.”
The MMO’s Annual Report and Accounts can be read here.