With all the main parties having now published their manifestos, what are the priorities and what do they have to say about water regulation, industry reform? Labour Put water companies into ‘special measures’. Although there is no detail on what these measures might be, they could include Giving new powers to regulators to block water […]

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Having created a watchdog for the environment, the government took its teeth out and muzzled it. Can public outrage rouse the Environment Agency to action? Useful article from The Guardian, highlighting how government has gradually weakened and undermined the environmental regulator for England., including subsuming its independent website into Defra’s.

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The government has published a list of over 140 wastewater treatment works legally required to be upgraded to stringent nutrient removal limits. The requirement to deliver nutrient neutrality will enable the construction of thousands of homes and improve aquatic ecosystems. Water companies have a duty to ensure wastewater treatment works serving a population equivalent over […]

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The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) is undertaking an inquiry into the interaction of climate change and security issues and the UK Government’s approach to anticipating, preventing, and responding to the security threats posed by climate change. Last week, the EAC heard evidence exploring the link between climate change and security in the first evidence session […]

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The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has published its proposed methodology for the Fourth Climate Change Risk Assessment – Independent Assessment (CCRA4-IA). This independent assessment will be delivered in 2026 and will provide an updated assessment of the risks and opportunities from climate change and the potential for adaptation to address them. This will be published alongside […]

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The government has published supporting evidence for its ‘State of the water environment indicator’. The evidence summary supports the 25 Year Environment Plan and its outcome indicator framework. The headline figure is that just 16% of assessed surface waters and 79% of individual tests achieve good ecological status. In the 25 Year Environment Plan, water theme […]

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Defra has announced that a total of 27 new wild swimming spots in England are being designated as bathing waters ahead of the summer and will immediately benefit from regular water quality monitoring. Following a public consultation, the new bathing water sites will be designated ahead of the 2024 bathing water season, which runs between […]

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Government announces next steps to ban the supply and sale of wet wipes containing plastic following overwhelming support during the consultation process World-leading legislation will be introduced this year to help tackle plastic pollution and clean up waterways Transition period set out for businesses to help them adapt The UK Government will introduce new world-leading […]

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