10 Nov 2016

Four reactions to EFRA Committee report    Bob Earll  The scale of the events: In the face of three major winter storm – flood events in 2012, 2013-14 and 2015-16 – billion pound storms – MPs clearly felt the need to speak out. These events are becoming almost normal and they are characterised not by just […]

02 Nov 2016

MPs from the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee are calling for an overhaul of flood management in England to tackle the rising risk to communities from climate change in a report on Future flood prevention. Read the report summary Read the report conclusions and recommendations Read the full report: Future flood prevention  Five million people at […]

02 Nov 2016

The Bonfield report first became public in September when the National Resilience Review was published. Since then it has prompted a row between the Environment Agency and the ABI. The reality is that up to now very little of the £1 billion a year the insurance industry has paid out goes towards installing resilience measures […]

26 Oct 2016

Flood defence spending ‘biased towards South’ The media jumped on this with the most recent Cumbrian and Northern floods and this has now been acknowledged.  The Press Association: The allocation of flood defence spending in the UK has been described as biased towards the south of England because it favours areas with high house prices. […]

12 Oct 2016

The image of Carlisle BT car park and its service vans underwater from many years ago, and the lessons of 2007 and the Pitt Review seem still not to have got through. How can it be that there are still 530 critical infrastructure sites still at serious risk? Damned by faint praise reviewers cut to […]

13 Sep 2016

Recently there have been three major flood – storm events in 2012, 2013-14 (SW coasts & Somerset), and 2015-2016 (Cumbria and the north of England). These have been characterised by a series of storms, following in close succession, covering different geographic locations but with quite devastating effects. In terms of costs and damages each of […]

11 Aug 2016

Communicating effectively with the public Jacqui Cotton, EA   ‘People need to know how a flood will affect them; what it will do to their homes and how it will disrupt their lives. Authorities have often shied away from such stark content in communications as it may cause fear or panic. Key to avoiding that fear […]