Seafish: ‘CLG Brexit Special on Friday 7 October. Seafish organised this Common Language Group (CLG) ‘special’ event to explore the potential issues and opportunities that leaving the EU could have for the seafood sector. Seafish lined up expert speakers from across the seafood supply chain to talk about key areas such as trade, regulation, marine governance, […]

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The Angling Trust has published a comprehensive report calling for far greater protection for Britain’s estuaries and for a radical overhaul of the outdated rules governing inshore netting, which is doing huge damage to juvenile fish stocks and endangering the survival of important species such as bass, mullet, salmon and seatrout. The dossier, Inshore Netting […]

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The UK’s major angling and fisheries conservation groups have today published a joint paper setting out their concerns over any moves to water down EU environmental legislation and urging the government to seize opportunities for reform of policies regarding farm subsidies and fisheries management in the wake of the Brexit vote earlier this year. The […]

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North sea cod catch quota trials: Final Report 2015 MMO: A trial was undertaken in 2015 with 18 vessels in the North Sea. Each vessel was fitted with Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) and was required to operate under a discard ban for North Sea (Area IV) cod. Additional quota for use in fully documented fisheries […]

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The case illustrates both effective monitoring and use of the points system …’The court was also told that, as a result of these offences, six points per offence will be applied to the vessel’s fishing vessel licence in accordance with the provisions of the EU control regulation (EC) 1224/2009 and in accordance with the MMO’s […]

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The Marine Conservation Society (MCS), the UK charity which works to ensure consumers, restaurants and food industry buyers only choose fish from sustainable sources has released its most informative seafood App yet and says it hopes the simple advice will clarify what, for many, is a highly complex issue. The Good Fish Guide App (free […]

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