Heavy rainfall in the autumn and winter is thought to be behind the huge increase in raw sewage discharges just announced by the Environment Agency. Latest figures show more than 4m hours of discharges were poured into rivers and seas last year, a 129% increase on the previous 12 months. Total discharges from the 14,000 […]

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The Environment Agency has published  a review of England’s revised draft regional and water resources management plans, to identify whether the plans proposed by water companies will secure resilient and sustainable water supplies up to 2050. The Agency found nearly 5bn litres per day, which is more than a third of the 14bn litres of […]

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A joint statement between DLUHC, Defra, the Environment Agency and Greater Cambridge councils (Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire districts) sets out the government’s position on addressing concerns raised about water scarcity issues in the Greater Cambridge area, which have led to a sizeable number of sites remaining in the planning process. This is published alongside […]

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The Environment Agency (EA) consultation on charge proposals for water quality permits closed this week. the proposals would see charges increase significantly, especially for water companies. The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators (WCWC) has published its considered response. The WCWC welcomes the increase of resources for the Environment Agency to inspect sewage effluents and suggests […]

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A new suite of reports has been released which examine Blue Carbon sequestration in restored saltmarsh sites across England. There is growing interest in restoration and creation of coastal wetland habitats from both a biodiversity and blue carbon perspective. Areas of interest for understanding the carbon offsetting potential and natural capital benefits include: Evaluating carbon […]

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Forty projects which will use natural processes such as planting trees and creating wetlands to reduce the risk of flooding are set to benefit from a £25 million government programme, Floods Minister Robbie Moore announced 23 February. The announcement comes after a wide range of applications were submitted to the Environment Agency by community groups, […]

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The Government is consulting on the largest ever rollout of new bathing water sites. The short consultation closes on 10 March. Subject to the consultation, the Environment Agency will create 27 new designated swimming spots across England. If designated, sites will receive regular water monitoring from the Environment Agency, who will investigate pollution sources and […]

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A letter from the Chief Executive of the Environment Agency (EA), Philip Duffy, outlines the approach the agency will take with increasing inspections of water company assets. He highlights that depending on the outcome of the water quality charges consultation, and securing the funding needed, the EA plans to more than quadruple the number of […]

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