Scientists replicated a 1964 River Thames survey and found that mussel numbers have declined by almost 95%, with one species – the depressed river mussel – completely gone.  The detailed study measured the change in size and number of all species of mussel in a stretch of the River Thames near Reading between 1964 and […]

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Homes across London remain at risk of being flooded by effluvia as a result of the capital’s Victorian sewage system and heavy rainfall, the BBC has reported.     The London Flood Review concluded current infrastructure is unfit for purpose, especially in extreme weather. Downpours last July, equivalent to two months’ of rain within two […]

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Thames21 launches new Five Year Plan with call for more collaborative action to get rivers ‘climate-ready’ for impacts of floods and droughts.     The environmental charity has announced plans to ramp up its efforts to work with communities and river stakeholders to help develop nature-based solutions to be better prepared to tackle the growing impacts […]

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Artist’s impression of Oxford Flood Scheme, viewed from Devil’s Backbone The Environment Agency has submitted the planning application to build the Oxford flood alleviation scheme. This is a significant step towards reducing flood risk to homes, businesses and transport links in Oxford. A major project led by the Environment Agency in partnership with 9 other […]

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