The draft climate change bill sets a target of a 90% reduction by 2050 – which the UK Committee on Climate Change states is currently “at the limit of feasibility” – with the aim of achieving 100% reduction, or “net-zero”, as soon as possible. Tom Ballantine, chair of Stop Climate Change Chaos described the targets as […]

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COAST Newsletter: ‘The Scottish people should be deeply concerned when one of their Cabinet Secretaries promises industrial growth in our seas at any cost. Fergus Ewing addressed salmon producers at the Seafood Expo in Brussels: ‘I’m determined to give what leadership I can to make sure that no matter what challenges are thrown at it, you double growth,’ ‘Let’s […]

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Mapping the climate-change threat to Scotland’s salmon rivers Scottish Government: ‘A new online mapping tool will help river managers to plan mitigation work to limit the impact of climate change on Scotland’s rivers and fisheries. Scotland’s rivers account for around three quarters of the UK’s and 30 per cent of European wild salmon production. Freshwater […]

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After years of campaigning by WDC and others, the Scottish government announced today that it is considering the creation of four new marine protected areas (MPAs) around its coastline, which will now go out for public consultation.  WDC first proposed the three sites that include Risso’s dolphins and minke whales back in 2011. Thanks to the help of our […]

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Sea Scotland 2017 Sustainable Development of Scotland’s Seas Securing Progress in Uncertain Times 21st June, Discovery Point, Dundee – Conference website: Conference Overview ‘Recognising the uncertainty regarding management of marine resources following the UK’s vote to leave the EU, the Sea Scotland 2017 conference aimed to provide a platform for stakeholders to discuss the […]

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