The planner: The administration has launched a long-term water strategy for Northern Ireland, which highlights the need for planning authorities to “prevent inappropriate development in high flood-risk areas and ensure that future development does not increase flood risk”. The strategy, which covers the period up to 2040, also said that planning authorities should encourage measures […]

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CIWEM – An independent review of shale gas extraction in the UK and the implications for the water environment In 2014 CIWEM published a review of the implications of shale gas on the water environment with ten recommendations for action. Although exploration has not progressed in the UK during this time, there have been considerable […]

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Environment Agency: Find out when you need to do a flood risk assessment as part of your planning application, how to do one and how it’s processed. Contents When you need an assessment When you don’t need an assessment When to follow standing advice How to do an assessment Get information to complete an […]

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