New CIRIA guidance ‘Delivering better water management through the planning system (C787)’ showcases good planning policies and critical success factors necessary to deliver better environmental, social and economic outcomes, guiding practitioners through the processes that underpin their delivery. Download the free guidance outputs from here. FREE DOWNLOAD: Add to cart and check out to receive […]

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The latest MMO Marine Planning Newsletter has been produced and includes: Progress on the emerging regional plans The Marine Planning team has just completed a period of engagement with stakeholders on our emerging marine plan policies. These policies form part of our Iteration 3 outputs of the process to develop the North West, North East, […]

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Thanks to Richard Ashley Environment Agency Flood risk asset performance tools – Nine Reports Research to improve asset management decision-making by identifying where, when and how to intervene to reduce flood risk for least cost and greatest benefit. This research project has developed methods, tools and guidance to improve asset management decision-making by identifying where, […]

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Laura Laker, the Guardian ‘Friends of the Earth says revised national planning policy makes it ‘virtually impossible’ for councils to refuse fracking schemes. The government is facing a legal challenge over its new planning policy, which campaigners say was illegally adopted because the government failed to assess its environmental impact. The revised National Planning Policy Framework, […]

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Summary of consultees and government response August 2018 Between 5 and 26 April 2018 the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) held an informal consultation on the types and sizes of nationally significant water resources infrastructure in the Planning Act 2008 (‘the Planning Act’). The consultation can be found at: consultation was […]

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The Government has now adopted England’s South Marine Plan, which brings a new approach to managing the seas between Kent and Devon. The new marine plan provides a policy framework which will be used to help inform decision-making on what activities take place in the marine environment and where how the marine environment is developed, […]

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