11 Apr 2018

Wessex Water have an online platform (EnTrade) with which farmers can bid for money in return for adopting more sustainable farming practices. This system directly reduces the cost of water purification for the Water Company, acts as an incentive for good practice to the landowner, and provides landscape and wildlife benefits for the local population – a […]

06 Dec 2017

According to a new report by EurEau, the European federation of National Associations of Water Services, €45 Billion is invested annually in water treatment and delivery around Europe. However this is unevenly distributed amongst European member states, and the European water sector is in need of greater investment in infrastructure overall. Aging drinking water networks, waste water collection systems and waste […]

10 May 2017

Four articles wrapping up the last Parliament – Bruce Horton  Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Committee House of Commons The environment and climate change have had a low profile in the run-up to the general election. However, BEIS Secretary of State Greg Clarke has told MPs that leaving the EU’s internal energy market would be […]

26 Apr 2017

Two articles reflecting fast changing attitudes to investment & climate change and major cost reductions in the technology of delivering renewables. Given scale of energy costs for the water industry investment in renewable energy looks like an increasingly good bet.  1.  Report highlights major cost reductions in renewable – wind & solar – technology driving investment […]

29 Jan 2017

UK offshore wind power costs tumble 32 per cent in four years UK offshore wind power costs have plummeted by almost a third in four years, putting the technology on course to soon be level with the cost of conventional power generation, a report by the UK’s Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (ORE) has revealed. The […]

26 Oct 2016

Flood defence spending ‘biased towards South’ The media jumped on this with the most recent Cumbrian and Northern floods and this has now been acknowledged.  The Press Association: The allocation of flood defence spending in the UK has been described as biased towards the south of England because it favours areas with high house prices. […]

27 Jun 2016

Dong Energy Investment report   The investment is delivering significant benefits to the local economy across the region especially in the Liverpool region, Cumbria and Northern Ireland, creating jobs and helping local supply chain businesses to grow. With four offshore wind farms already operation off the North West coastline, DONG Energy is currently constructing two more […]