25 Oct 2023

Climate risk assessments that take account of threats like heatwaves, droughts, floods and wildfires are increasingly being used to inform and improve national adaptation policies according to the latest European Environment Agency (EEA) assessment of national adaptation actions published this week. The EEA briefing ‘Is Europe on track towards climate resilience? Status of reported national adaptation actions […]

25 Oct 2023

UKWIR (UK Water Industry Research) has published a new report: Review of 2022 Drought Demand Management Measures. This study sought to quantify the change in water use due to the implementation of drought measures during 2022 including the communication campaigns delivered by all companies and the Temporary Use Bans introduced by six water companies in […]

20 Sep 2023

As England enters the autumn, the National Drought Group met to reiterate the importance of all sectors continuing to plan and invest for future droughts. Experts are pushing for more investment now to ensure England is in the best possible position ahead of future droughts, the National Drought Group heard last week (13 September). The […]

30 Aug 2023

An investigation by Unearthed reveals How England’s water companies struggled in last summer’s heatwaves Water supplies ran so low during last summer’s drought that England’s environmental regulator warned that companies might break the law to keep the taps running, documents obtained by Unearthed reveal. The internal briefings – obtained under freedom of information laws – […]

23 Aug 2023

New data from the World Resources Institute’s  Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas show that 25 countries — housing one-quarter of the global population — face extremely high water stress each year, regularly using up almost their entire available water supply. And at least 50% of the world’s population — around 4 billion people — live under highly water-stressed […]

05 Jul 2023

The multi-stakeholder National Drought Group met last week to discuss the impact of the hottest June on record on reservoir and groundwater levels and river flows. As of 20 June, total reservoir stocks for England were at 83% of their total capacity. Devon, Cornwall and parts of East Anglia remain in drought. In the Lake […]

21 Jun 2023

Over the last few days there have been multiple cases of dead fish in rivers reported. The Environment Agency is investigating whether these are due to pollution or natural causes, but has said that oxygen levels were significantly reduced along the impacted stretches, which include the Avon, the Oxford Canal, Salford Quays and the Mole.

21 Jun 2023

South East Water is introducing a hosepipe ban amid shortages in Kent and Sussex. Schools in the region have been forced to close during the warm weather and bottled water stations have been set up as the utility company said demand for drinking water had reached “record levels”. The company said the temporary hosepipe restrictions […]