In his 2017 Autumn Budget, Chancellor Philip Hammond pledged to build an economy “fit for the future” by announcing new air quality funding, tax incentives for electric cars, and measures to combat plastic waste. Hammond dedicated much more time to the green economy than previous Budget announcements; also covering off diesel tax, driverless vehicles and […]

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By 2030   At Unilever, we’re committed to doing our bit to tackle climate change, continuously finding sustainable solutions to make and sell our products. We’ve come a long way already, but we know there’s always more we can do. This is why we’re going one step further in our commitment to renewable energy. By 2030, […]

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Forest Enterprise England, the land management agency of the Forestry Commission, has become the first organisation to publish an organisation-wide Natural Capital Account. It seeks to quantify the full value of the services provided by the natural assets on its entire 254,000 hectare landholding. Although the account is initially only partial, it includes detailed management […]

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BusinessGreen ‘To understand the significance of today’s news that the US and China have ratified the Paris Agreement it is important to cast your mind back 12 months to the build up to the UN’s New York Climate Summit, which was intended to inject some much needed impetus into negotiations ahead of the Paris talks. […]

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This article from Utility Week, looks at what water companies are doing to reduce carbon emissions. Water is one of the most energy-intensive sectors in the UK. It is also one of the business sectors most affected by climate change. Lois Vallely takes a look at what the industry is doing to cut carbon. The […]

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New research from the New Climate Economy finds that investing in public and low emission transport, building efficiency, and waste management in cities could generate savings with a current value of US$17 trillion by 2050. These low-carbon investments could also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3.7 Gt CO2e per year by 2030, more than the current annual […]

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