07 Nov 2017

A lack of scrutiny in an interview with climate sceptic Lord Lawson has led the BBC to admit it breached its “guidelines on accuracy and impartiality”. The sceptic ex-chancellor claimed in an interview with the Today programme that “official figures” showed average world temperatures had “slightly declined”. This view was shown to be false, but […]

02 Oct 2017

Pity no EIA approach exists for fisheries – the ultimate disruptive business     In Silicon Valley they call this the disruptive business model. Your change the world first, think Uber and Airbnb, then let the regulators play catch-up. The fishing industry have been doing this for years destroying the environment and species populations first and then […]

05 Jun 2017

We can’t sit by and watch any longer thinking that others will act, its time for everyone to do their bit and get the key messages across whenever the opportunity arises. Take your pick: BBC on Trump, Paris & Climate   http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40136908 Guardian – lots of links – https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jun/02/european-leaders-vow-to-keep-fighting-global-warming-despite-us-withdrawal President Macron, Putting the world first https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzcrSvF7ZJA  […]