17 Sep 2019

A recent article, published in The Guardian, says the proliferation of weirs, dams and culverts is now creating a threat to wildlife.  The Swansea University-led project called Amber (Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers), aims to find ways to halt the fragmentation of European rivers and the dangerous isolation of their habitats. “Flowing rivers […]

15 Jan 2019

Defra Published 15 January 2019    Seeking views on proposals to modernise water regulation and allow better long-term planning of water resources and drainage. We want to know what you think about our proposals for improving long-term planning of water resources and drainage. We’re also asking about our proposals to modernise water regulation. These include: reforming […]

27 Sep 2018

National Drought Group – Chairman’s Statement – September 2018 Environment Agency ‘The NDG convened on Thursday 20 September to assess the present situation and review the action being taken to reduce the risk of drought in 2019.  Published 20 September The National Drought Group (NDG), chaired by Environment Agency Chief Executive Sir James Bevan, brings […]

29 May 2018

Defra has published its Water abstraction plan 2017. This sets out how the government will reform the way it manages water abstraction, to protect the environment and improve access to water. It has been updated to include the first four Initial Priority Catchments: Idle & Torne in East Midlands, The South Forty Foot in Lincolnshire […]

22 May 2018

A major new satellite-based study by NASA warns that water shortages will be the key environmental challenge of the century. It finds that freshwater supplies have already seriously declined in 19 global hotspots – from China to the Caspian Sea – due to overuse. Areas in northern and eastern India, the Middle East, California and […]

25 Apr 2018

We won! – 38 degrees – Campaign created by Jim Murray and Howard Taylor 15/04/18 A public inquiry called by the Secretary of State for the Environment Michael Gove concluded on 27th March with a formal agreement to restrict the amount of water Southern Water is allowed to abstract from the world famous chalk rivers […]

03 Jan 2018

Defra Setting out how the government will reform the way we manage water abstraction, to protect the environment and improve access to water. These documents set out what the government is doing to reform the management of water abstraction. They summarise how we will work with abstractors to make these changes. The main document summarises all […]