Marine Management Organisation Last updated 17 January 2019
Aspects of the coastal and marine environment are in decline (Charting Progress II) and we are causing irreversible damage to biodiversity and a loss of natural capital. This is despite previous efforts to prevent degradation and maintain and restore species and habitats. Current policies direct public and private organisations to manage the marine area as one whole system for example by using an ecosystem approach and sustainable development.
Different initiatives are working on implementing these approaches e.g. marine planning, plan led licensing, sustainable fisheries and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, but the marine environment is a complex interconnected system which we are still trying to fully understand. We are reliant on it for our health and prosperity. We must progress to not only preventing degradation but improving environmental health for current and future generations through collective societal, economic and environmental decisions.
To tackle this and other similar issues the government has outlined a 25 year environment plan. The vision of the plan is that the environment will be in a better state for the next generation than it was for this generation. The plan has a longer term approach and a more holistic view. It aims to make sustainable use and restoration of the environment central to all society’s decisions.
The pioneer has been set up to inform delivery of the 25 year environment plan. In particular to test the application of a natural capital approach, how to integrate planning and delivery further, how to apply better funding mechanisms and to share lessons.
Aims and objectives
The marine pioneer will explore how to:
- apply a natural capital approach in the marine environment
- identify local environmental priorities in Suffolk and North Devon’s coast and sea
- improve inter and intra government and non-government working together
- increase care for, and understanding of, the marine environment
- gather information about all of the marine system (social, economic, ecological)
- increase the use of social and economic science and practice in delivering marine management
- develop a plan and mechanism for prioritising investment to restore natural capital
- develop and implement innovative finance opportunities
- share lessons learned and best practice more widely
- contribute to implementing and updating the 25 year environment plan
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More information
- North Devon Marine Pioneer
- Suffolk Marine Pioneer
- The South West Partnership for Environment & Economic Prosperity (SWEEP)
- WWF – UK SEAS (Sustainable Environments at Sea)