30 Jul 2020

NCC ‘The Natural Capital Committee (NCC) is warning that there is little evidence of progress and worrying evidence of declines in its latest assessment of how the government is performing against its own ten 25 Year Environment Plan (YEP) goals. The warning comes in the NCC’s new assessment of the government’s second Progress Report for […]

18 Jun 2020

This is government’s annual account of how it has implemented its commitments for protecting and improving the environment. It is our second account of progress since we published the 25 Year Environment Plan, our plan for improving the environment within a generation. Our 25 Year Environment Plan is a living blueprint for the environment covering […]

15 Oct 2019

New report – 25 Year Environment Plan: ambition to realisation  Our new report looks at ways to better support bodies in delivering for the environment. We’ve come up with six recommendations for government. Report | blog | video Our environment currently faces unprecedented threats as biodiversity declines and climate predictions worsen. This has triggered widespread […]

11 Jun 2019

ABPmer, Steve Hull:  UK marine habitats and species continue to experience some notable declines. This represents a serious failure of existing marine conservation policy and practice. The 2011 Natural Environment White Paper – The Natural Choice aspired for ‘this to be the first generation to leave the natural environment of England in a better state […]

18 May 2019

Defra ‘Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey has published the first progress report of its landmark 25 Year Environment Plan indicating that, in the first year alone, 90 per cent of the plan’s actions have been delivered or are being progressed. Over the last 12 months, the government, amongst other actions, has: set out plans to ban […]

18 May 2019

Bob Earll ‘The NCC have been remarkably silent on marine issues in their 7 year existence. It looks like one new NCC member – Mel Austen – has changed this. That’s progress. This report comes close on the heels of a host of other reports*. It makes one wonder quite what the role of NCC […]

28 Jan 2019

Marine Management Organisation Last updated 17 January 2019 Marine pioneer projects Aspects of the coastal and marine environment are in decline (Charting Progress II) and we are causing irreversible damage to biodiversity and a loss of natural capital. This is despite previous efforts to prevent degradation and maintain and restore species and habitats. Current policies direct public […]