I often miss interesting news, but was there a consultation on this? Given that many sites are attracting ongoing controversy – such as Rame Head – a consultation process could be useful input to this work. ‘The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is nearing the conclusion of a review of all disposal sites in England. The […]

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Three perspectives of marine spatial planning, the outcomes of an WOC-SAMS webinar with lots of links on MSP in the North Sea, the latest MMO planning update and Alec Taylor from WWF-UK on the need for more ambition in way UK is implementing marine plans. 1.  WOC ‘ North Sea Industry Leaders Participate in Webinar […]

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The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is asking for views to decide how fisheries should be managed in marine protected areas. Site assessments include recommendations for managing fisheries in MPAs. The MMO have today published site summary assessments for nine marine protected area (MPA) sites in English inshore waters (0 to 12nm), and are asking fishermen […]

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MMO July 17th 2015 ‘To ensure it makes effective management decisions, the MMO must maintain a level of technical capability within its own staff alongside a clear strategic approach to ensuring any evidence needs are met both now and in the future. This document sets out Part 1 of the MMO’s Evidence Strategy for 2015 […]

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Details of how fisheries are managed in marine protected areas. MMO: To bring fisheries in line with other activities, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) announced on the 14 August 2012 a revised approach to managing fishing activities within European marine sites (EMS). This change in approach will promote sustainable fisheries while […]

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