Understanding underwater noise – Marine Noise Registry launched

Amy Wardlaw, MMO,

As human activities in the marine area increase so does underwater noise. Understanding and mitigating the impact of this is an important part of the sustainable development of our seas and protecting the marine environment for future generations.

Underwater noise from human activities can affect marine organisms, from fish to marine mammals, in a variety of ways. Noise can mask sounds they use to communicate and find food. It can cause physical injury and even death.

Noise is recognised as a pollutant as part of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This also states noise should be included as part of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) when consenting development in the marine area.

Understanding when and where noisy activities is required to inform research on the impacts of noise, particularly on vulnerable species like cetaceans.

Marine Noise Registry launched

Defra and JNCC have developed the Marine Noise Registry (MNR) to record human activities in UK seas that produce loud, low to medium frequency (10Hz – 10kHz) impulsive noise.

The MNR is a data input space for industry and regulators. It collects estimated location and date data on noisy activities (during the planning stages) and actual location and date data (after the activity has been completed).

The initial purpose of using the MNR to record manmade impulsive noise is to quantify the pressure on the environment by providing an overview of relevant impulsive sound sources. This will help define the baseline level for impulsive noise in UK waters as part of other research.

Some of the activities included on the MNR are:

  • Impact pile driving
  • geophysical surveys (seismic, sub bottom profiling and multibeam echosounders)
  • explosives
  • military related sonar
  • certain acoustic deterrent devices

The MNR also collects, where available, source property data (in line with TG noise guidance) including frequency, maximum airgun volume, maximum hammer energy, TNT equivalent, sound pressure level and sound exposure level. Click here to read more

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