11 May 2021

Explore our Britain Talks Climate online toolkit! Britain Talks Climate is an evidence-based toolkit designed to support any organisation that wants to engage the British public on climate change. It makes clear that there is currently no ‘culture war’ on climate change in Britain. But building narratives that resonate with a diverse range of values and everyday […]

08 Dec 2020

Thanks to Natasha Bradshaw for passing this on. EU: Maritime Spatial Planning has a clear objective. The objective of ensuring that the largest number of stakeholders depending on the maritime space are allowed to perform their activities in a fair, sustainable, and collaborative way. It ensures the coexistence between human activities and the protection of […]

27 Oct 2020

Cabot Research Institute    ‘With the current flood of misinformation and “fake news” undermining democracies around the world, a consensus document that summarises the science of debunking has been published by a team of 22 prominent researchers of misinformation and its debunking. Well-informed political deliberation cannot occur when citizens and politicians are entangled in the dissemination […]

24 Jun 2020

Surge in women applying for manual jobs after wording in adverts made less ‘masculine’ ‘Language matters. Words reflect cultural norms and maintain social realities,’ campaigner says More women have put themselves forward for manual frontline jobs at Thames Water after the company altered the “masculine coded” phrasing of its recruitment adverts. The firm used an online tool that […]

06 Aug 2019

“Messaging matters: A systematic review of the conservation messaging literature”: Changing human behaviour and attitudes are key to conserving global biodiversity. Despite evidence from other disciplines that strategic messaging can influence behaviour and attitudes, it remains unclear how to best design messages to benefit biodiversity. We conducted a systematic literature review to investigate the status […]

30 Jul 2019

Communicating Climate impacts through adaptation About the Women’s Institute and their Climate Ambassadors The National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI, www.theWI.org.uk) is an educational, social, nonparty political and non-sectarian organisation. Founded in 1915, the NFWI is the largest voluntary women’s membership organisation in the UK with some 220,000 members in over 6,300 Institutes across England, […]

24 Feb 2019

Communication: Carbon Farming –   To celebrate World Wetlands Day Natural England have made a great science mockumentary of a future where peatbogs are managed as “carbon farms”.  You need different ways to communicate to different audiences See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAPGQ1wEJ08&feature=youtu.be How understanding values creates better conversations on climate change  Although this blog focusses on SMEs essentially the same problem applies as […]

10 Sep 2018

Carbon Brief: ‘The BBC, one of the world’s largest and most respected news organisations, has issued formal guidance to its journalists on how to report climate change. Carbon Brief has obtained the internal four-page “crib sheet” sent yesterday to BBC journalists via an email from Fran Unsworth, the BBC’s director of news and current affairs. […]