Communication: Carbon Farming – To celebrate World Wetlands Day Natural England have made a great science mockumentary of a future where peatbogs are managed as “carbon farms”. You need different ways to communicate to different audiences See:
How understanding values creates better conversations on climate change Although this blog focusses on SMEs essentially the same problem applies as soon as we try and communicate beyond our technical community … more to come with this thinking
Posted on 19 February, 2019 by Green Alliance blog
This post is by Sam Hampton of the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
There are nearly six million small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, including a wide variety of business types, ranging from fairly large manufacturing companies to small family firms, social enterprises and micro-businesses. Altogether their energy use produces enormous quantities of carbon emissions. The average SME could save up to 25 per cent of its energy use through relatively simple, low cost measures, like upgrading lighting or installing occupancy sensors. Unfortunately, they don’t tend to take up these opportunities, for many different reasons.
While support is needed, policy interventions of any kind that affect SMEs tend to be politically charged. Traditional policies such as regulations can have a disproportionate impact on smaller organisations. They can struggle with the bureaucracy and paperwork, and it can also be expensive and time-consuming for government agencies to police.