The latest edition of the MMO’s Marine Planning News is packed full of information for the entire England Coast; I have just focused below on a section on the Evidence reports recently published
The Marine Management Organisation has recently published a number of evidence projects that support the work of marine planning and is currently working towards completing other projects that are published on our public evidence register.
Identifying sites suitable for marine habitat restoration or creation (MMO1135)
The project aimed to develop a national dataset of sites that are suitable for habitat restoration or creation. The dataset provides information to inform marine plan policy development that can help increase the amount of ecologically important habitat, where appropriate and in line with current legislation.
Alternative use of dredge material in the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas (MMO1190)
A project to map opportunities for the alterative use of dredge material in north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas.
Enhancing stakeholder engagement: Analysis of experiences and insights (MMO1152)
A project to gain insights from stakeholders of their awareness, understanding, experience and views of past communications and engagement in marine planning and to investigate drivers, motivations and general ability to engage in marine planning
Mapping the value of shipping (MMO1158)
A project to create spatial data mapping trade flows of commercial shipping in the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas. The project reviewed, developed and applied approaches to assign value to shipping cargo flows.
Non-licensable Activity Impacts on Marine Protected Areas (MMO1136)
The project develops a sufficiently robust evidence base on the full range and types of marine non-licensable activities, their current and potential intensity, and risk of impact on marine protected areas.
Social Baseline Data for Marine Planning (MMO 1132)
The project improves baseline social information and collected additional new information to support marine plans.
Identification of areas of aquaculture potential in English waters (MMO 1184)
A project to map areas within English waters with environmental conditions suitable for growth of a range of key aquaculture species from both the perspective of the species e.g. temperatures that allow growth, and the culture technology e.g. peak wave heights that may damage infrastructure.
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