07 Feb 2022

The MMO have updated their evidence requirements (1 February 2022) and are seeking information on numerous areas to aid marine planning and management. These requirements include, amongst others: Aquaculture: Information predicting the future location and potential value of sites of aquaculture development. Aquaculture has the potential to be one of the fastest growing English maritime […]

08 Jun 2021

Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: to support place-based planning and decision-making – NERR092 (naturalengland.org.uk) This report and associated publications is about how to come to shared strategic understanding about the natural environment, in a place, using a natural capital evidence base. It is about working collaboratively and in partnership so that we can do more to […]

05 Jan 2021

From the Call for Evidence The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) is launching an inquiry into water quality in rivers. The EAC has previously inquired into nitrate pollution so this inquiry intends to focus on the water industry and urban diffuse pollution. Water quality has implications across the whole ecological system, from plant life to fish stocks to […]

13 Aug 2020

New site link https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/ What is the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Evidence Report? The UK Government is required, under the 2008 Climate Change Act, to publish a climate change risk assessment (CCRA) every five years which is published on the Government website. The assessment sets out the risks and opportunities facing the UK from climate change. The Committee […]

07 Jul 2020

This review has been prepared for the Defra Marine Litter Policy Team to provide a summary of evidence of relevance in addressing marine plastic pollution, to identify evidence gaps and make recommendations for further work to support policy development. This review has been prepared for the Defra Marine Litter Policy team in order to provide […]

05 Jan 2020

The latest edition of the MMO’s Marine Planning News is packed full of information for the entire England Coast; I have just focused below on a section on the Evidence reports recently published The Marine Management Organisation has recently published a number of evidence projects that support the work of marine planning and is currently […]

12 Mar 2019

Evidence strategy for the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) MMO ‘Strategy setting our priorities for evidence that will ensure our delivery is underpinned with excellent science delivered in the most efficient way.  To ensure it makes effective management decisions, the MMO must maintain a level of technical capability within its own staff alongside a clear strategic […]