22 Jan 2023

The Scottish Wildlife Trust launched the Oceans of Value film on the 11th January 2023, which is now available on YouTube and Ecoflix.     Oceans of Value captures interviews with 26 local people in Orkney to unearth their values and relationship with the sea, how they have seen the marine environment change and how they would like to […]

26 Jul 2022

A research project seeks to understand personal values of coastal and marine spaces in Plymouth Sound. Via a questionnaire, researchers hope to identify specific locations in Plymouth Sound that you and other participants feel strongly about and various reasons why. This information will be used as part of the principal investigator’s project report, as well […]

11 May 2021

Explore our Britain Talks Climate online toolkit! Britain Talks Climate is an evidence-based toolkit designed to support any organisation that wants to engage the British public on climate change. It makes clear that there is currently no ‘culture war’ on climate change in Britain. But building narratives that resonate with a diverse range of values and everyday […]

24 Feb 2019

Communication: Carbon Farming –   To celebrate World Wetlands Day Natural England have made a great science mockumentary of a future where peatbogs are managed as “carbon farms”.  You need different ways to communicate to different audiences See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAPGQ1wEJ08&feature=youtu.be How understanding values creates better conversations on climate change  Although this blog focusses on SMEs essentially the same problem applies as […]