25 Mar 2020

Covid 19 and fisheries. Jerry Percy, Director of the New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association [NUTFA] gives a personal view. The impact of the Coronavirus has almost overnight largely decimated those companies reliant on high end products such as dive caught scallops, lobster and crab, whilst prices for the main finfish species have crashed. The vast […]

23 Mar 2020

Work None: This emergency is having the result of stopping work for many people. My daughter is professional musician – all gigs cancelled; her best friend is a dentist – the surgery is closed. The big corporate losers will be some major industries like the airlines and retailers because we will be consuming less. Normal […]

23 Mar 2020

Version March 24th  2020  Dr Peter JS Jones, Reader in Environmental Governance, Department of Geography, University College London (UCL). P.J.Jones@ucl.ac.uk; Professor Rick Stafford, Professor of Marine Biology and Conservation, University of Bournemouth. This blog has now been developed into an article in the Ecologist magazine    Click here to read the article (13/4/2020) Reflecting on the […]

18 Mar 2020

Water companies, staff and business continuity What is Portsmouth Water doing to minimise the impact of COVID-19? ‘We are continuously monitoring the Government’s updates and guidance regarding COVID-19 and are also taking precautionary steps to protect the health of our workforce: We have shared with our employees the preventative measures they need to take as […]