26 Jul 2023

The Welsh Government has published a Schedule 3 Post Implementation Review for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, which requires SuDS on most new development, was commenced in Wales in 2019. (It is yet to be commenced in England). The review is grouped into four categories: Governance […]

28 Jun 2023

Ofwat is consulting on changes to charging rules in the form of a common framework for water companies to offer stronger and more standardised environmental incentives to developers to encourage them to build new homes that are more water efficient and with sustainable drainage. The consultation relates primarily to English water companies, for which Ofwat […]

08 Mar 2023

Help inform the delivery of high-quality SuDS and the implementation of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act. WSP, CIWEM and CIRIA on behalf of Defra are undertaking a review of the skills and training needed, following Government’s acceptance of the recommendation to make SuDS mandatory in new developments. A survey has been […]

23 Feb 2023

The Greater London Authority has released a map of locations of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) across London. London is outgrowing its drains and sewers. The combined sewer system originally built over 150 years ago by Joseph Bazalgette has served us well, but it was designed for a smaller city with more green surfaces. The combined […]

12 Jan 2023

New approach to sustainable drainage set to reduce flood risk and clean up rivers, Defra has announced. A range of organisations have welcomed the move to more sustainable drainage for new developments in England. The recommendation to make sustainable drainage systems mandatory to new developments in England is the result of the Government’s review. Defra have […]

30 Nov 2022

Stricter controls on new property developments alongside up to £12bn of investment in drainage infrastructure over the next thirty years will be necessary to stop thousands more homes and businesses from flooding due to inadequate drainage, according to a new report by the National Infrastructure Commission. Localised floods across England last month alongside a series of […]

03 Nov 2021

Costs – the 5th pillar of SuDS   – Great blog shows how easily costs of SuDS are over-estimated. The new 5 pillars. SuDS should be: much cheaper than conventional drainage, whilst (costs) attenuating storm-water (quantity) filtering at source (quality) providing beautiful spaces to relax (amenity) and supporting a wide range of local wildlife (biodiversity) The […]