Waterwise has published its draft water efficiency strategy for consultation. The document sets out a cross-sector strategy to deliver greater water efficiency in the UK by 2030, including: Why water demand needs to reduce – so everyone has an understanding of the challenges faced across the UK. The objectives to achieve by 2030 – 10 […]

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From Waterbriefing On 17 January 2022 regional water resources groups, made up of water companies and other water users and stakeholders, launched 5 emerging regional water resources plans for consultation. Introducing the review, the Agency said: “We are now at a pivotal point of opportunity for water resources management. In March 2020, the Environment Agency […]

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The DEFRA’s Consultation on the Government’s Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan closed on 12 May. The deadline for responses to the DEFRA Consultation on Environmental Targets has been extended to 27 June. DEFRA is currently consulting on proposals for a series of legally-binding, long-term environmental targets in England. In accordance with the Environment Act 2021 […]

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Consultation on the draft Joint Fisheries Statement: Closes 12 Apr 2022 From the Defra website: We are seeking your views on the draft Joint Fisheries Statement (JFS). It has been developed by the four UK fisheries policy authorities (the Secretary of State, the Scottish Ministers, the Welsh Ministers, and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and […]

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Press release from Ireland’s Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage: ‘Public consultation demonstrates strong support for expansion of Marine Protected Areas The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has today published the results of an independent review and analysis of its extensive public consultation undertaken on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The government aims […]

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Defra launches targets consultation and Nature Recovery Green Paper: The Nature Recovery Green Paper sets out our ambition to enable nature’s recovery in England, laying out proposals to support our aim to halt and reverse the loss of nature over the last 50 years. We want to seize the opportunity to update the existing legal […]

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