08 Oct 2015

Defra ‘The Government’s commitment to sustainable agriculture and improving the environment is delivered through a range of tools, initiatives and best practice. These aim to protect and improve the water environment and support competitive agriculture. We need a combination of different actions to tackle agricultural diffuse pollution of water effectively.  Some action will happen as […]

08 Oct 2015

Environment Agency ‘These documents will help you understand what you need to do when developing a hydropower scheme to generate electricity on a river or stream. Contents Guidance for hydropower development Hydropower environmental permit application stage 1: pre-application Hydropower environmental permit application stage 2: formal application Environment Agency: ‘Hydropower schemes harness the energy from flowing […]

08 Oct 2015

Natural Capital – Defra Responds Natural Capital Coalition: ‘On 22 September, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for the UK released its official response to the Natural Capital Committee’s third State of Natural Capital Report. The Natural Capital Coalition was pleased to hear of their support for a 25 year plan and […]

08 Oct 2015

‘Scottish Government’   Environment Minister consults on revised proposals.   Restrictions on the killing of wild salmon could be introduced by a targeted system based on fish stocks, Environment Minister Aileen McLeod announced today. In response to extensive consultation on salmon kill licence proposals over the past six months, the Scottish Government will now further consult on […]

08 Oct 2015

CaBA ‘Citizen Science is a fundamental data gathering and engagement tool for Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) partnerships to help develop understanding of the issues in catchments and also to engage their local communities in identifying and delivering solutions. This resource pack has been collated to support the CaBA partnerships in their work to protect and […]

06 Oct 2015

The Blue New Deal lead by the New Economics Foundation was launched recently: A report on the launch can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_bPWcWPo0DeYjBqR0RoRWxjLXM/view?pli=1 Fernanda Balata, Project Lead, Coastal and Marine Environment said: ‘UK coastal communities rely on the ocean for food, jobs, and recreation. But as environmental and economic pressures grow, natural ecosystems are being […]

06 Oct 2015

Read about the Government scheme here MCS: Single use carrier bag charge in England – great news for our oceans but a whole bag full of confusion for shoppers, says UK marine charity. Successful schemes in other parts of UK not replicated in England. The Marine Conservation Society (MCS), the UK’s leading marine charity, says […]

06 Oct 2015

New Zealand’s Prime Minister, John Key, announced on 28 September 2015 that his nation plans to create a South Pacific marine sanctuary the size of France, saying it would protect one of the world’s pristine ocean environments. The Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary would cover an area of 620,000 square kilometers about 1,000 kilometers off New Zealand’s […]