Three sources of new and updated information
1. Flood risk assessments: climate change allowances
Find out when and how to use climate change allowances in flood risk assessments and strategic flood risk assessments. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out how the planning system should help minimise vulnerability and provide resilience to the impacts of climate change. NPPF and supporting planning practice guidance on Flood Risk and Coastal Change explain when and how flood risk assessments should be used. This includes demonstrating how flood risk will be managed now and over the development’s lifetime, taking climate change into account. Local planning authorities refer to this when preparing local plans and considering planning applications.
This advice updates previous climate change allowances to support NPPF. The Environment Agency (EA) has produced it as the government’s expert on flood risk.
2. Draft Flood Risk management plans The acting on your responses to the draft update document shows how the Environment Agency used the responses received. This document is a joint response for river basin management plans and flood risk management plans. It summarises the main themes raised during both consultations and states how those responses will shape the flood risk management plans and influence how they will be carried out.
3. Flood risk assessments: river basin district maps
Use these maps with the climate change allowances guidance to complete a flood risk assessment.