Engineering Natures Way Written By: Alex Stephenson Director, UK Stormwater Division, Hydro International ‘It seems almost unbelievable. Yet another SuDS delay. Six years after 2007 floods that prompted ‘urgent action’ and right in the midst of more severe storms and floods, the Government has confirmed it will not meet its target of implementing SuDS regulations in England and Wales. Furthermore we are still no clearer as to when – or possibly even if – we will have new National Standards.
Environment Minister Dan Rogerson was at pains to stress in parliament (see Hansard 6/1/13) that he remains committed to introducing the legislation ‘at the earliest opportunity’. However according to an article over the weekend by the BBC’s Roger Harrabin, the Government is ‘in turmoil’, even suggesting that the proposals are ‘postponed indefinitely’.
Yet more uncertainty will cause frustration first for local authorities needing to fund and staff the SuDS Approving Bodies getting ready to implement the new rules. But it’s also a concern for everyone in the industry when these regulations have been subject to so many delays.
Rogerson stated: “..we are working with developers and local government to develop the processes, standards and guidance that are an integral part of a new SUDS approvals and adoption regime, rather than just imposing them. That takes time, but it is time well spent if the end result is an approach that is fair to all parties and successful from the outset because local government and developers are fully prepared to take on their respective new responsibilities.”
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