Study highlights potential gannet mortality in the Forth from offshore wind
By MarEx 2015-09-28 19:08:03
Marine Executive With about four percent of its population using offshore wind power, the U.K. is arguably the world leader in clean energy. But a new study suggests that the U.K.’s aims to harness renewable energy could have an unintended negative environmental impact. Researchers at the universities of Leeds, Exter and Glasgow have released a study suggesting that offshore wind farms could pose a greater threat to Scotland’s gannet population than previously thought. The U.K. is home to more than two-thirds of the world’s gannets. It was previously believed that gannets, which breed in the U.K. between April and September, generally flew below the minimum height of 22 meters above sea level swept by the blades of offshore wind turbines.
Click here to read the full study.
Donald trump appeals to the Supreme Court over the offshore site: Guardian ‘Menie estate was purchased by Trump in 2006 and transformed into a golf resort on protected coastal dunes north of Aberdeen. In 2011, Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm Limited applied for consent under the Electricity Act 1989 to construct an electricity generating station and offshore wind turbines off Aberdeenshire. Permission was granted by the Scottish government in 2013 for 11 turbines, which Trump says will form a “monstrous” blight on the coastal landscape. He is questioning whether the planning decision is lawful. The turbines will be about 2 miles (3km) from the course. The case, set for a day’s hearing at the supreme court, focuses on the correct interpretation of the Electricity Act 1989 – specifically who is eligible “to apply for consent to construct a generating station”.