Bass industry guidance 2021
Information on the rules, regulations and restrictions for bass fishing in 2021 and 2022
The Sea Fisheries (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2021 retained and amended the Bass Measures 2020 as per Article 10 of Council Regulation (EU). Bass authorisations are applicable within the British Fishery Limits only. You should refer to the Bass Fishing Guidance 2021.
Bass rules coming into effect from 30th July 2021. Revised measures on vessels catching European Seabass are to be introduced on 30 July 2021, changing bycatch limits and introducing shore-based netting bycatch.
Marine Mammal Bycatch Reporting Requirements
In order to continue to export fisheries products to the United States (US), and to assist conservation efforts in mitigating marine mammal bycatch, the UK needs to comply with international standards for the conservation of marine mammals. Details
This means that there is now a mandatory requirement under fishing vessel licence conditions, whereby fishers will need to report any bycatch of marine mammals to the MMO, within 48 hours of the end of the fishing trip.
This can be done by completing the template below and sending this to the MMO using the following email address or postal address:
MMO Statistics Mailbox – Or MMO Statistics, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH
The information supplied by fishers will be used to report on incidental injury, mortality or bycatch of marine mammal species at an aggregated level to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in order to comply with the above reporting requirements.