Link to Defra press release
Proposals include
- To introduce a tiered approach for including actions in the WINEP
- To better incorporate long-term planning in the development of the WINEP
- To clearly establish dependencies between the WINEP and other statutory planning frameworks
- To increase the use of catchment and nature-based solutions to meet statutory obligations
- To take account of wider environmental outcomes when deciding on solutions in the WINEP
- To increase water company involvement in the WINEP development process
- To increase involvement of other organisations and external funding in the WINEP development
Consultation description
The water industry national environment programme (WINEP) is the programme of work water companies in England are required to do to meet their obligations from environmental legislation and UK government policy.
The WINEP is the most important and substantial programme of environmental investment in England. For 2020 to 2025 it consists of £5.2 billion of asset improvements, investigations, monitoring and catchment interventions. It sets out how the water industry will contribute to improving the natural environment.
The water industry has taken steps over the last 3 decades to improve the water environment. However, there is a collective ambition for the WINEP to deliver more for the environment, for customers and for communities. This reflects society’s high expectations and the UK government’s ambition to leave the environment in a better state for the next generation.
To help meet this ambition, the Environment Agency, Defra and Ofwat have come together to lead a taskforce to improve the WINEP. They have worked with representatives from water companies, Natural England, the Drinking Water Inspectorate, CCW, and environmental non-governmental organisations.
They have redesigned the WINEP, ahead of the next periodic review of water company investments.
Read more and access the consultation documents here.